Review of Google Technical Writing Lesson One


Posted by RyanYang on March 20, 2021

Learning objectives

Technical Writing aims to write Clear articles.

So you have basic strategies to take, just like 10 rules for write a good novel said.

The first one to make sentences more engaging is using helpful lists:

  • Use terminology—including abbreviations and acronyms—consistently.
  • Recognize and disambiguate pesky pronouns.
  • Distinguish active voice from passive voice.
  • Convert passive voice sentences to active voice.
  • Identify three ways in which active voice is superior to passive voice.
  • Develop at least three strategies to make sentences clearer and more engaging.
  • Develop at least four strategies to shorten sentences.
  • Understand the difference between bulleted lists and numbered lists.
  • Create helpful lists.
  • Create effective lead sentences for paragraphs.
  • Focus each paragraph on a single topic.
  • State key points at the start of each document.
  • Identify your target audience.
  • Determine what your target audience already knows and what your target audience needs to learn.
  • Understand the curse of knowledge.
  • Identify and revise idioms.
  • State your document’s scope (goals) and audience.
  • Break long topics into appropriate sections.
  • Use commas, parentheses, colons, em-dashes, and semicolons properly.
  • Develop beginner competency in Markdown.

More clearer now ? Of course not. I just copy it from google developers.
